Sometimes, connection to the server through the IPMI controller may work incorrectly, whereas you can still log into the operating system. In this case, you can reboot the IPMI controller from the OS, the so-called Cold Reset. You can also reset the IPMI password using the IPMICFG utility for Windows OS or the IPMItool package for Unix-like operating systems.

Instruction for WINDOWS

IPMI Controller Reboot Using Cold Reset

Log into the server operating system using your username and password. Then download the IPMICFG archive from the official Supermicro ftp server.

In this manual, the program version: 1.33.0 is used (archive name:

The next step is to unzip the file to the drive C root: by expanding the context menu with the right mouse button and selecting the “Extract all ...” item.

As a result, a folder called IPMICFG_1.33.0_build.210528 will be created on the C:\ drive. For simplicity, it can be renamed to IPMICFG.

Attention! In this manual, the syntax of running commands is given with consideration to the rename of the folder using the IPMICFG utility.

Next, run the command prompt as an administrator: on the taskbar, right-click on the Windows PowerShell icon and select “Run as administrator” from the context menu.

Run the command in the command prompt:

C:\IPMICFG\Windows\64Bit\IPMICFG-Win.exe –r -d

IPMI will reboot.

This process will take approximately one minute. When the task is completed, a “Done” notification will appear. After that you can connect to the server using IPMIview or web interface.

How to reset your password

You need a user ID to change your password. You can get it using the following command:

C:\IPMICFG\Windows\64Bit\IPMICFG-Win.exe –user list

The User ID column contains the ADMIN user ID, equal to 2. If you need to change the password for another user, you must select the ID that belongs to this user.

The data received is used for the following command:

C:\IPMICFG\Windows\64Bit\IPMICFG-Win.exe –user setpwd 2 password

where the number 2 means the ADMIN user ID and password is the new password to be created.

The completion of the command and successful password change are indicated by the message “Done” that appears.

Attention! When creating a password, keep in mind that its maximum length in different versions of IPMI differs in the number of characters:
  • The maximum password size in IPMI v1.5 is 16 characters
  • The maximum password size in IPMI v2.0 is 20 characters.
Important! Set a complex password that includes letters and numbers. We recommend using the password specified in your personal account.

Instruction for UNIX

IPMI Controller Reboot Using Cold Reset

It is possible to restart IPMI (Cold Reset) in UNIX-like operating systems by first installing the IPMItool package. Depending on the distribution, the installation of this package may vary, please check your OS documentation.

In the terminal, execute a Cold Reset with the following command:

# ipmitool mc reset cold

During the execution of the command, the following error may occur:

Could not open device at /dev/ipmi0 or /dev/ipmi/0 or /dev/ipmidev/0: No such file or directory

To fix this, run the following commands:

# modprobe ipmi_msghandler
# modprobe ipmi_devintf
# modprobe ipmi_si

Then repeat Cold Reset:

# ipmitool mc reset cold

As a result, a message of successful completion will appear. It may look different depending on the operating system used on the server. The message might look like this:

Sent cold reset command to MC

Access should be provided within 5 minutes. Otherwise, please contact our technical support to help resolve this issue.

How to reset your password

You need a user ID to change your password. You can find it on UNIX-like systems using the following command:

# ipmitool user list

As a result, a table containing user ID will be shown:

ADMIN user ID is 2.

Change your password using the command:

# ipmitool user set password <userid> [<password[]

To reset the password for a user named “ADMIN”, run the following command:

# ipmitool user set password 2 ourpassword

The number “2” in this case is the user ID, and “ourpassword” is the new password.

Task completed, password updated.

Sometimes, the described methods may not work. In this case, you will need to turn it off for a while and turn on the server or roll back IPMI to factory settings. To do this, please contact our technical support. We work twenty-four-hour, and we are always ready to provide you with qualified assistance.

Links to the SDK:

Example of installing the SDK using PHP composer:

cd public_html/
curl -sS | php
vi composer.json
	"require": {
		"php": "7.0.*",
		"php-opencloud/openstack": "^3.0",
		"aws/aws-sdk-php": "2.*"

composer.phar install

Example of using the Swift SDK, Keystone (Identity) V3:

'region' => 'RegionOne',
'user' => [
	'name' => 'your username',
	'password' => 'your password',
	'domain' => ['id' => 'default' ]
'scope' => [
	'project' => [
		'name' => 'your project name',
		'domain' => ['id' => 'default']

$identity = $openstack->identityV3();
$service = $openstack->objectStoreV1();

Example of using the S3 Compatible:

'your key',
'secret' => 'your secret',
'endpoint' => '',
'signature_version' => 'v2',

//Listing all S3 Bucket
$result = $client->listBuckets();

// Create s3 bucket
$result = $client->createBucket(array('Bucket' => "ContainerName/"));

// Upload file to s3 bucket

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

  • FTP port: 21
  • SFTP port: 8022
  • Address:

If you have only one project, or want to use the default project, you can only specify: SWIFTUSER

The storage functionality allows you to connect to containers that you have access (multi-user access) to. To do this, you can specify:


Be sure to specify the name of the container that you have access to, in the form of a folder /CONTAINER NAME.


Alternatively, you can specify the name of the container in the FTP client settings: Directories - Remote Directory - /collaboration

The following functionality is implemented on the FTP server for the storage:

  1. File upload. If the file download is interrupted for any reason, you can resume downloading the file in RESUME mode
  2. Multithreading when loading data. All objects are loaded in multiple threads, which speeds up loading several times.
  3. Storage mode for objects of unlimited size (DLO — dynamic large object). If you upload files via FTP to the backup container, they are always of the DLO type. And, if the size of the object is displayed as 0 bytes when using any client, it does not mean that the object is empty. The fact is that the object segments are located in a different folder, and in order to save server resources, the size calculation is not performed.
  4. SLO object storage mode (static object size). The FTP server creates these objects in any containers other than backup. The size of such objects cannot exceed 64 GB.
  5. Due to the need to segment large files (larger than 1 GB), an additional container is always created for segments, with the _segments or +segments postfix in its name. Attention! Please do not delete or modify these containers yourself, otherwise the contents of the files will not be consistent.

All of the above applies only to the FTP server. All other methods of accessing the repository are intended for third party clients.

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

HTTP/HTTPS порт: 80, 443

Public access:

Normal public access (data to be taken directly from disk, bypassing caches):

High-speed public access (cached data):

If you need to ensure high-speed data retrieval from the storage, such as images for a website, you can use a high-speed cache for the storage:НАЗВАНИЕ_ФАЙЛА

For example:

Data is requested from the cache at speeds up to 10 Gbit/s.

The time for storing data in the cache is 2 hours.

ATTENTION! Do not try to use cache for files larger than 8MB. This will not increase the speed.

Downloading files and directories from storage in one archive:

To download files and / or directories from the storage as a single zip file, you can use the download service:

To use it, you need to provide public access to the container that you want to make public in the web control panel of the cloud storage If the container is not made public, you will be unable to use the service.

After the container from which you plan to download files in one archive is made public, you need to follow the link:*&exclude=filename*

Available options:

  • project_name - required, only one parameter;
  • path - must start with the container name (required, only one parameter);
  • include - name template. If the template worked, then this object will be included in the selection. If there are nested objects in the list of objects, for example, template 1*, and the name of the object 1/2/3/test.txt, then the name aaa.txt will be compared according to the template, and the path will be discarded (optional, there may be many of them);
  • exclude - name template. If the template worked, then this object is not included in the selection. The principle of operation is like that of include (optional, there may be many of them);
  • name - archive name (optional, only one parameter);
  • no_cache - do not use a fast file cache to generate an archive.


  • Download the entire public container as a single archive:
  • Download the TEST folder as a single archive:
  • Download the entire public container, including php files, but exclude ini.php*php&exclude=*ini.php

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

  • S3 Compatible API port: 80, 443, 8080, 8443
  • Address:

Configuration file example:


signature_v2 = True

host_base =

host_bucket =

access_key = 'access key'

secret_key = 'secret key '

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

You can install any FUSE client available in the standard repository of almost all Linux distributions, or download it from git — for example, s3fs.

Mounting example:

s3fs backup1c /backup1c -o passwd_file=/etc/.passwd-s3fs -o url= -o use_path_request_style -o uid=99 -o gid=99 -o umask=000 -o allow_other -o use_cache=/tmp

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

  • SWIFT API port: 80, 443, authorization type: Keystone (Identity) V3
  • Address:
# Settings for the Swift Client environment:

export OS_USER_DOMAIN_NAME=default
export OS_AUTH_URL=
export PS1='[\u@\h \W(SWIFTPROJECT:SWIFTUSER)]$ '


swift stat

swift list

If you have any questions, please contact technical support at:

When creating a VM, in addition to selecting from the list of ready-made operating system images, you can also import your own image. The main requirement is that it must contain installed drivers that support OpenStack virtualization.

Detailed information about preparing images and a list of ready-made images of the most frequently used operating systems is available here.

In order to import your OS image, go to the COMPUTE > IMAGES section, and click CREATE IMAGE.


In the window that opens, enter the image's name. Then click CHOOSE FILE to download the image file from your device.

We recommend that you choose QCOW2 — QEMU EMULATOR as the format of the uploaded image, in order to save space in your image storage.

You don’t have to specify the software design, but we suggest that you set the minimum system requirements — the size of the disk and RAM.

We recommend that you don't check the PUBLIC box — this option means that your image will appear in the list of public images and other cloud users will be able to use it.

The PROTECTED option means that the image cannot be deleted from the system. If you are worried about the accidental deletion of the image, you can check this option. If you need to protect or delete this image in the future, you will be able to check or uncheck this option in the image editing menu at any time.

After filling in all the required fields, click CREATE IMAGE to upload your own operating system image to the OpenStack environment.


The downloaded image will appear in the COMPUTE > IMAGES section on the PROJECT tab.


For more information about creating instances from images, see our guide “Virtual Data Center: Getting Started”.

Console connection to a cloud instance on the OpenStack platform is made using the VNC (Virtual Network Computing) system.

In order to open the VNC console, go to the COMPUTEINSTANCES section, then select CONSOLE in the drop-down menu next to the desired instance.

Select CONSOLE in the drop-down menu next to the desired instance.

This will transfer you to the CONSOLE tab of your instance, where the remote access screen opens. Alternatively, you can click on the name of the required instance and then go to the CONSOLE tab on the page that opens.

In order to make it easier to work with the console, you can open it in a separate window. To do this, follow the link CLICK HERE TO SHOW ONLY CONSOLE. In order to exit the full-screen mode, click the BACK arrow in your browser.


If you wish to connect to an instance with a Linux/Unix-based operating system, keep in mind that there is no password access in standard images, and for login, the SSH protocol with the creation of a key pair is used.

You can only link SSH keys to a specific instance at the VM creation stage, and this cannot be changed later. This is why it is highly recommended to keep your private key safe and secure.

In order to create an SSH key pair, go to COMPUTEACCESS & SECURITY and open the KEY PAIRS tab. Click CREATE KEY PAIR.


In the window that opens, enter a name for your key pair and confirm its creation.

Enter a name for your key pair and confirm its creation.

The browser will prompt you to automatically download the SSH private key.

In order to assign keys already created to an instance, when creating a new VM, go to the KEY PAIR menu section and click ‘+’ next to the desired key pair in the list of available ones. You can also import a key pair from your device here.

You can also import a key pair from your device here.

New key pairs may also be added directly when creating the instance. Read more about this in our manual “Virtual Data Center: Getting Started”.

You can clone your cloud VM without stopping it. There are several ways to do this.

1. Take A Snapshot

This method is suitable for cases where you do not need to delete the source instance.

To create a snapshot, select CREATE SNAPSHOT in the drop-down menu next to the VM being cloned.


In the window that opens, enter the name of the snapshot, then click CREATE SNAPSHOT.


This will automatically redirect you to COMPUTE — IMAGES. A snapshot of your instance will appear on the PROJECT tab. Select LAUNCH in the drop-down menu next to the instance name.


The Launch Instance window will open, where you can create a VM based on the snapshot you just took.

Launch Instance window will open

Read more about creating and configuring instances from images here.

Attention! You will not be able to delete the source volume and the snapshot itself whilst there are other volumes based on this snapshot. If you wish to delete the source volume, use the following method.

2. Using The Image

This method is suitable for cases when you need to delete the original VM. It involves unloading the volume as an image or backup.

Go to COMPUTE — VOLUMES, next to the desired volume in the drop-down menu, then select CREATE SNAPSHOT.


In the window that opens, enter the name of the volume and click CREATE VOLUME SNAPSHOT (FORCE).


You will automatically be referred to the VOLUME SNAPSHOTS tab in COMPUTE — VOLUMES and the snapshot you have just created will appear in the list. Select CREATE VOLUME in the drop-down menu next to your snapshot.


In the window that opens, fill in the required fields, and click CREATE VOLUME.


The volume you created will appear on the VOLUMES tab with the AVAILABLE status.

The volume you created will appear on the VOLUMES tab

If you wish to create a large number of clones, you must save the created volume as an image. To do this, select the UPLOAD TO IMAGE drop-down menu item next to the selected volume.


In the image upload window that opens, enter the image name and specify the volume format. We recommend that you choose the QCOW2 — QEMU Emulator disk format — in order to slightly reduce the space used in your image storage.

QCOW2 — QEMU Emulator

In COMPUTE — IMAGES, within the PROJECT tab, you will see an image of your instance that you can use to create your VMs. Read more about creating instances from images in our guide.


You can also create a backup through the CREATE BACKUP menu item opposite the volume you created.


In the window that opens, enter the name of the backup and click CREATE VOLUME BACKUP.


The created backup will appear on the VOLUME BACKUPS tab. To create one or several volumes from this copy, click RESTORE BACKUP in the drop-down menu opposite the required copy.


In the window that opens, select CREATE A NEW VOLUME in the SELECT VOLUME drop-down menu, then click RESTORE BACKPUP TO VOLUME.


The new volume will appear in the list. You can connect it with an additional volume to another VM, or create a new instance on its basis.

The new volume will appear in the list

After you've uploaded the image or created a backup, you can delete the snapshot and the source volume for the backup and image, if needed.

The source instance and its source volume are independent of backups and images and can also be deleted if required.

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