You can easily change the PHP version on your cPanel account by following these steps:

  1. Log in to your cPanel account.
  2. Navigate to the Software section and click on Select PHP Version. Select PHP Version
  3. Click on the PHP Version drop-down box and select your preferred PHP version. Current PHP version
  4. Click on Apply button to save your PHP version change. Apply new version

Unlock the power of comprehensive website monitoring with cPanel's cutting-edge Site Quality Monitoring feature. This intuitive tool empowers you to track and analyze the performance and overall health of your online presence in real-time.

Stay ahead of the curve with insightful data on your website's availability, uptime, speed, SEO optimization, content quality, technical stability, and security metrics. Armed with this invaluable intelligence, you can identify and swiftly address potential issues before they disrupt the user experience and tarnish your website's reputation.

Leverage this robust monitoring solution to make data-driven decisions, optimize your online assets, and deliver a seamless, engaging experience for your visitors. Elevate your website's performance and keep it in peak condition with cPanel's Site Quality Monitoring.

Quick Start Guide to Using the cPanel Site Quality Monitoring function

  1. Log into cPanel: Access your cPanel account using your credentials.
  2. Access the Site Quality Monitoring interface: Navigate to the Metrics section in cPanel and click on Site Quality Monitoring.
  1. Add your website: Select your website’s URL from the dropdown list.
  2. Sign up for Site Quality Monitoring: If you haven’t already, you will need to complete the sign-up process. This involves providing your website’s details and agreeing to the terms of service.
  3. Review your Website Quality Rating: Click on the monitored domain to view the scores from the audited website.

You will now see a summary of your website rating. Make your selection from the left hand menu. This image shows the summary of our test website, showing a 100% score for all analysed settings.

Benefits of Using cPanel's Site Quality Monitoring

cPanel's Site Quality Monitoring provides website owners with a range of valuable benefits:

  • Proactive Problem Detection: Identify and address website issues before they impact your visitors.
  • Enhanced Website Performance: Improve your website's speed and responsiveness, delivering a superior user experience.
  • SEO: Optimize your website's performance to boost its visibility in search engine rankings.
  • Robust Security: Detect and mitigate potential security vulnerabilities to safeguard your online presence.
  • Guaranteed Uptime: Ensure your website is consistently available and accessible to your audience.

Monitoring Tabs

Site Quality Monitoring provides a comprehensive overview of your website’s health across six main categories:


Monitors the reliability of your website and how consistently it can be accessed by visitors. It checks for uptime, downtime, and redirects.

Availability is a critical aspect of your website’s performance. It measures how reliably and quickly users can access your website’s content. A site with high availability responds promptly to user requests and efficiently delivers resources that web browsers can load without issues.


The Performance tab in cPanel Site Quality Monitor provides a detailed overview of your website’s loading speed and responsiveness. It includes a summary of your website’s overall performance, breaking down key metrics like page size, server response time, and total blocking time. You can also drill down into specific URLs to see detailed performance metrics for each page. Additionally, the Performance tab allows you to configure how often your website’s performance is monitored and select the browser and device profiles used to simulate user requests.


The Site Quality Monitor in cPanel provides a comprehensive suite of tools for assessing and optimizing your website’s content delivery performance. The Content section, in particular, delves into the critical aspects of content delivery, including dead links and broken elements. By regularly reviewing the Content section, you can proactively identify and address these issues, ensuring a seamless and enjoyable user experience for your visitors.

Crawling Tab

The Crawling tab provides tools for manually performing crawls of your website to check for specific issues:

  • Dead links: Identify links within your website that are no longer valid or return errors.
  • Missing images and files: Check for missing or broken images, CSS, or JavaScript files.
  • Oversize files: Identify files that are larger than a specified size threshold.

Interpreting Scores and Colors

Site Quality Monitoring assigns scores from 0 to 100 to each monitoring category. A higher score indicates better performance in that area.

The Site Quality Monitoring feature includes colour indicators. These colour indicators reflect the presence of monitoring check errors and failures in the following ways:

Color Description
Green Your website has passed all monitoring checks in this category.
Yellow Your website has non-critical errors or failures in this monitoring check category.
Red Your website has critical errors in this monitoring check category.

Troubleshooting and Improving Website Performance

If you notice any red or yellow scores, you can use the detailed error reports provided by Site Quality Monitoring to identify and address the underlying issues. This may involve optimising your website’s code, improving your web server configuration, or addressing security vulnerabilities.

Practical Examples

  • Improving Loading Speed: If your site has a low score in loading speed, the tool may suggest optimising images or leveraging browser caching. Implementing these suggestions can significantly reduce load times.
  • Enhancing SEO: For SEO improvement, the tool might recommend adding relevant meta descriptions or improving header usage. These changes can make your site more attractive to search engines and users.
  • Addressing Content Issues: In cases of duplicate content, the tool will identify the pages in question. You can then revise or remove the duplicate content to boost your site’s uniqueness and quality.


Comprehensive Insights for Website Success

cPanel's Site Quality Monitoring is a powerful tool that empowers website owners and administrators to optimize their online presence. This robust feature provides actionable insights and personalized recommendations to enhance your website's health, performance, and search engine visibility.

By regularly utilizing Site Quality Monitoring and implementing its suggestions, you can cultivate a more successful and engaging digital experience for your audience. This comprehensive tool equips you with the data-driven guidance necessary to maintain and continually improve the quality of your website, ensuring it exceeds user expectations and aligns with search engine standards.

Harness the Power of Site Quality Monitoring

Follow this guide to effectively leverage the Site Quality Monitoring function within cPanel. Unlock the insights and recommendations needed to elevate your website's performance, driving increased user satisfaction and search engine success. Invest in the long-term health and vitality of your online presence with cPanel's comprehensive Site Quality Monitoring solution.

Frequently Asked Questions

What is Site Quality Monitoring?

Site Quality Monitoring is a feature in cPanel that evaluates and reports on the health and performance of your website. It provides a score based on factors like page speed, SEO, and user experience, offering insights into potential areas for improvement.

How do I access Site Quality Monitoring in cPanel?

To access Site Quality Monitoring, log into your cPanel account, navigate to the Metrics section, and select Site Quality Monitoring. Here, you will find a dashboard displaying your website’s health score and detailed reports.

What does the health score indicate?

The health score, ranging from 0 to 100, reflects your website’s overall performance and health. A higher score indicates better health, suggesting good page speed, effective SEO, and a positive user experience.

Can Site Quality Monitoring improve my website’s SEO?

Yes, Site Quality Monitoring identifies SEO weaknesses in your website, like poor meta tags or inadequate keyword usage. By addressing these issues, you can improve your site’s SEO, potentially increasing its visibility and ranking in search engines.

How often should I check my Site Quality Monitoring?

Regular monitoring is recommended. Checking your Site Quality Monitoring at least once a month helps you stay updated on your website’s performance and address issues promptly.

What kind of issues does Site Quality Monitoring detect?

It detects a range of issues, including slow page loading times, broken links, SEO weaknesses, duplicate content, and poor mobile responsiveness.

Is technical expertise required to understand the reports?

No, the reports are designed to be user-friendly and understandable even for those without technical expertise. They provide clear explanations and actionable recommendations.

How can I improve my website’s health score?

Improving your health score involves addressing the identified issues. This could mean optimising images to speed up loading times, revising content to eliminate duplication, or making layout adjustments for better mobile responsiveness.

Does Site Quality Monitoring also check for website security?

While Site Quality Monitoring focuses on performance and SEO, it does not directly address security issues. However, maintaining a healthy, well-performing site can contribute to overall website security.

Is Site Quality Monitoring available for all types of websites?

Site Quality Monitoring is available for websites hosted on servers with cPanel. It is suitable for various types of websites, including e-commerce, blogs, and corporate sites.

This tutorial will teach you how to install a LAMP stack on a virtual server.

LAMP is a suite of software including:

  • Linux;
  • Apache;
  • MySQL;
  • PHP.

This will allow you to run your own website after installing it.

We are going to use a virtual server, HT-VPS-5 tariff, 16 GB RAM and 160 GB SSD-drive. However, for the majority of basic tasks (blog, business card site) and projects that are not very demanding, a simpler HT-VPS-1 configuration will be fine. The operating system we use is the Linux distribution Ubuntu 20.04.

To begin with, allow us to have a look at the basics of running a website. Each site requires different components for its functionality. Typically, these include a web server, support for the programming language that the site is written in, and database support. Here we will guide you how to install Apache web server, PHP language support and MySQL database support.


We are going to do all operations using the prompt with the SSH protocol. You should know your IP address, username and password. You will receive this data for connection in an email when you order a virtual server.

Open a command prompt (terminal) on your local computer and input the command to connect.

shh root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Enter the address of your server instead of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.

If this is the first time you connect, you may see this message:

The authenticity of host 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX (XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX)' can't be established. RSA key fingerprint is SHA256:YaaqERsh9oMs/Qa5nlMJLlb4ewlJDGLaDGsuOcDzOs8. Are you sure you want to continue connecting (yes/no/[fingerprint])? yes

Please just press 'yes' or the letter 'y', you will be asked to enter your password

When you enter a password, no symbols are shown on the screen for security reasons.

Warning: Permanently added 'XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX' (RSA) to the list of known hosts. root@ip_XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX's password:

Type in the password and press 'Enter'.

When you connect to the server, you get to the command prompt on the server itself, i.e. in the system installed on the server.

Before you install any components, we recommend you upgrade your system to the latest up-to-date version.

Run the commands sequentially:

apt update

apt upgrade

An update of the system will start.

The next step is to reboot the server, you can do this using the reboot command.

Before proceeding to the LAMP installation, you need to perform the initial configuration of the server.

Right now you are logged in as root, which is insecure, so you should create a non-privileged user.

Let's run the adduser [username] command to do this, for instance:

adduser host-telecom

Next, enter the password for this user twice.

Please remember your password or save it in a secured place.

After that you will be asked to enter some user data (full name, phone number, etc.), but you don't have to enter all of this, you can just leave the fields blank by pressing 'enter' each time.

Now, you created a new user, although he doesn't have administrator rights. To give it root privileges, you need to add it to the sudo group.

Execute the command:

usermod -aG sudo host-telecom


To improve server security, we recommend to use the popular and simple to customize UFW firewall. Various applications can register their own profiles for UFW, meaning ready-made sets of security settings that you can activate. Let's output the list of current profiles with the command:

sudo ufw app list

Available applications: OpenSSH

The profile of the OpenSSH service is now available in our case, which allows us to connect to the server via SSH.

Activate this service using the command:

ufw allow OpenSSH

Rules updated Rules updated (v6)

Next, activate the firewall by command:

ufw enable

You will be warned that the current connection may be interrupted:

Command may disrupt existing ssh connections. Proceed with operation (y|n)?

But because you have enabled OpenSSH, don't be concerned and type 'y' and press 'Enter'.

Firewall is active and enabled on system startup

To check the status of the firewall run the command:

ufw status

You can see that it is active and the OpenSSH profile is also active:

Status: active To Action From -- ------ ---- OpenSSH ALLOW Anywhere OpenSSH (v6) ALLOW Anywhere (v6)

You allowed only SSH connections, and the firewall now blocks all other connections. Later, you will allow HTTP connections to open a website.

Here's a very important point: you need to connect using SSH, not as root, but as the host-telecom user you just created.

For this purpose, don't close your current SSH connection to root for now, but instead open a new terminal window and connect in it, just in case you might suddenly run into problems and be able to fix them.

In the new terminal window, run the command:

ssh host-telecom@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Enter the password for the host-telecom user.

If all is successful, you will be prompted to enter commands, but you will be working under the host-telecom user, and all administrative commands will have to be executed via sudo, i.e. you will enter 'sudo' before each command.

You can close the SSH session with the root user by typing the 'exit' command.


To install the Apache web server, run the command:

sudo apt install apache2

Make changes to the firewall before testing the Apache web server.

Check the list of profiles:

sudo ufw app list

You will find that apart from OpenSSH, 3 new Apache profiles are also added. Each profile contains a set of settings:

  • Apache — opens port 80, used by the http protocol;
  • Apache Full — opens ports 80 and 443, used by http and https protocols;
  • Apache Secure — opens port 443 only.

You need to apply Apache Full to allow both http and https traffic.

Run the command to activate the profile:

sudo ufw allow in "Apache Full"

Rule added Rule added (v6)

Once this is done, you can test how Apache works and open the default website.

For this purpose, open your browser and enter the IP address of the server. The following information page will appear:


Actually it is already a running website with a single HTML page.


To install MySQL database support, run the command:

sudo apt install mysql-server

Once the installation is complete, we recommend running a special script that helps you set various security settings. Run the command to do this:

sudo mysql_secure_installation

Further you need to answer a few questions. The first is to enable the VALIDATE PASSWORD plugin, used to prevent simple passwords from being used when setting MySQL database passwords. To enable it, type 'y' and press 'enter'.

The next step asks you to set the level of password validation:

There are three levels of password validation policy: LOW Length >= 8 MEDIUM Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, and special characters STRONG Length >= 8, numeric, mixed case, special characters and dictionary file Please enter 0 = LOW, 1 = MEDIUM and 2 = STRONG:

Choose medium: enter 1 and press 'enter'.

Then enter a strong password and confirm it.

Please note: This is the password for the root user specifically for MySQL, and is not related to the root user you have on your system.

You can answer all subsequent questions with 'y' and then press 'enter':

  • request to remove an anonymous user,
  • request to disable remote authorization of the root user,
  • deleting the test database.

Once complete, you will be prompted to activate the settings and customizations you have made.

You will get a message as a result:

Success. All done!


Further, you should install support for the PHP language. To do this, you need to install three packages:

  • PHP
  • libapache2-mod-php — a module that allows you to process PHP files,
  • php-mysql — allows PHP to communicate with MySQL.

sudo apt install php libapache2-mod-php php-mysql

The LAMP installation is now complete.

However, before you can launch your site, you have to create a virtual host for it. Create a directory for your site and make the settings for your host.

Run the command:

sudo mkdir /var/www/mysite

Specify the domain of your site instead of mysite.

You created the directory using sudo, i.e. as root. Change the permissions and group for this directory to be under your host-telecom user.

sudo chown -R $USER:$USER /var/www/mysite

Then, you should create a configuration file for your virtual host. Configuration files are stored in the /etc/apache2/sites-available directory. Open the console text editor nano and create a configuration file. Run the command:

sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/mysite.conf

Paste the following code:

<VirtualHost *:80> ServerName XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ServerAlias XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX ServerAdmin host-telecom@localhost DocumentRoot /var/www/mysite ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined </VirtualHost>

Please note, for ServerName we entered the IP address of our server, if you have a domain you should specify it.

Exit the nano editor by pressing Ctrl + X, and enter 'yes' to save the file..

To get your virtual host activated by the web server, run the command:

sudo a2ensite mysite

You need to restart the server to allow the changes to take effect. Run the command:

sudo systemctl reload apache2

Create a test page in your directory where your site files should be located. Open the nano text editor again:

nano /var/www/mysite/index.php

And add the following code in it:

<?php phpinfo();

This is a PHP function that displays detailed information about the current php configuration. Enter the IP address of your server into the address bar of your browser and you will see that you get a page with PHP configuration information.

PHP Info

We've reviewed the basic steps of setting up Apache, PHP, MySQL and learned how to create virtual hosts. Now you can install almost any CMS and launch your online business or blog.

CloudPanel is an opensource solution that allows you to easily install the LEMP stack (Linux, Nginx, MySQL and PHP) on your VPS or cloud server.

Based on the official documentation, CloudPanel is a cost-free and modern control panel for server configuration and management focused on simplicity.

CloudPanel was initially developed by MGT-COMMERCE GmbH, a Berlin-based company, over a decade ago purely to offer optimized hosting for Magento sites in the AWS cloud.

Nowadays, this free control panel has become one of the most capable control panels for Nginx servers, and is compatible with a wide range of PHP, Node.js, Static Websites and Python applications. At the same time, it's become more flexible.

Actually, with CloudPanel you can run any of your favorite applications on any cloud or dedicated server in just a few minutes.

At present, CloudPanel only supports Linux distributions - Debian 11 and Ubuntu 22.04.

The installation of CloudPanel is pretty simple and easy.

Let's see what CloudPanel has to offer before we start the installation:

Service Version
NGINX 1.21 with PageSpeed module
MySQL 8.0
MariaDB 10.6, 10.8
PHP 7.1-8.1
Redis 6
ProFTPD 1.3
Node.js 12, 14, 16 Versions LTS
Yarn 1.22
Python 3.10
Service Version
NGINX 1.21 with PageSpeed module
MySQL 5.7, 8.0
MariaDB 10.7, 10.8
PHP 7.1-8.1
Redis 6
ProFTPD 1.3
Node.js 12, 14, 16 Versions LTS
Yarn 1.22
Python 3.9

Technical Requirements:

  • Ubuntu 22.04 (Jammy Jellyfish) or Debian 11 (Bullseye)
  • >= 1 CPU
  • >= 2 GB RAM
  • >= 10 GB Disk Space

In this guide we will use the Debian 11 distribution.


Connect to your server using ssh. To do this, open a terminal and enter the command:

ssh root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

You need to update your system and install the necessary packages before running the installer.

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

Then run the installer with the desired database engine.

curl -sSL | sudo bash

curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.8 bash

curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.6 bash

curl -sSL | sudo bash

curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MYSQL_5.7 bash

curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.8 bash

curl -sSL | sudo DB_ENGINE=MARIADB_10.7 bash

The installation is now complete. You can now access CloudPanel through your browser: https://XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX:8443.

Just ignore the warning about the self-signed certificate and click on "Advanced" and "Go to site..." to proceed with CloudPanel.

Then fill in all the information: name, email, username and password.

Then fill in all the information: name, email, username and password.

Confirm that you agree to the terms and conditions and privacy policy and click the "Create user" button.

There you go! Now you are ready to log in to CloudPanel.


VestaCP is a control panel with a wide variety of functionality that allows you to easily monitor and manage your server. This guide explains how to install VestaCP on your Linux VPS.

Minimum Specifications:

  • CentOS 5, 6, 7, Debian 7, 8, 9, Ubuntu 12.04 - 18.10;
  • RAM 512 Mb
  • HDD 20 Gb
  • CPU 1 Ghz

Connect to your server using ssh. Open a terminal and run the command:

ssh root@XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

Enter the address of your server instead of XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX.

Before you run the installer, the system must be updated and the necessary packages must be installed.

apt update && apt -y upgrade && apt -y install curl wget sudo

Next, load the installation script with the command:

curl -O

Then run the script:


During the installation, you will be asked to answer several questions:

ispmanager dashboard

Enter the requested data and press Enter.

Once the installation is complete, you will be prompted for a login and password to access the control panel.

ispmanager dashboard

After the installation and configuration of the caching DNS server, if the server can be accessed at an external (white) address, you should check that the server responds only to requests from trusted hosts (clients). If the server responds to requests from all hosts, this server is called DNS Open Resolver.

The risk exists that DNS Open Resolver can be exploited by attackers to perform various types of attacks:

  • Loading the server with random DNS requests, blocking the channel with traffic. This can cause a denial of service (DoS) and make the DNS service inaccessible to other users.
  • Sending special requests to a server with a fake source IP address in order to organize an attack on a third host that involves your server. DNS Open Resolver will send responses to this spoofed address, which can lead to a high volume of network traffic aimed at the victim of the attack. Such an attack is called DNS Amplification.
  • Replace responses to your server with false data that will get into the cache (Cache Poisoning). When a client computer accesses a DNS server that is compromised this way, it may obtain false or malicious IP addresses for domain names.


A caching DNS server is a server that processes recursive client requests.

Recursive and iterative DNS requests

On receiving a recursive request, the server either returns an answer to the request or an error message. The server performs all data searching and querying of other servers. In case of receiving an iterative request, the server can return the address of another server rather than the answer, and then the client will forward this request to the specified server.

On receiving a recursive request, the server either returns an answer to the request or an error message. The server performs all data searching and querying of other servers. In case of receiving an iterative request, the server can return the address of another server rather than the answer, and then the client will forward this request to the specified server.

How to check if a server is open

You can check if your server is open to recursive requests at

Or with commands that perform requests to DNS:

dig +short @XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX


nslookup XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX

As XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX enter the IP address of the server to be checked. The example name is, you can check any.

If the request gives an IP address when requested from any host, then your server is DNS Open Resolver.

How to turn off or limit access to only authorized hosts/networks

  1. Limit access to the server port (udp/53) on the network perimeter, or locally on the DNS server itself.
  2. If you want the server to be responsible for only one or a few specific zones, you can turn off recursive queries by adding the “recursion no;” option to the named.conf configuration file (named.conf.local or other, depending on your settings).
  3. Enable recursive requests for trusted networks/hosts only, example: “allow-recursion { localhost;; };” ( — replace with trusted addresses).

In this guide, we will review the ispmanager site and server control panel in detail and tell you about its main advantages and versions.

What does ispmanager do

The ispmanager panel helps you to install and manage web services. It deploys all the required software to maintain websites, mail, and databases. It lets users run projects in a ready-to-use web environment and then manage them in a graphical interface, without the need for a console.

The ispmanager panel is helpful for web developers, system administrators, and site managers. The panel significantly simplifies server administration, which means it can be used not only by skilled professionals but also by newcomers.

The latest version of the panel is ispmanager 6. It has an improved interface, a more proactive bug-fixing system, system monitoring, advanced tools for developers, and support for major CMSes.

ispmanager dashboard
The ispmanager panel's main window provides an overview of the overall status of the system. From the left-hand menu, you can go to the management of a selected service

The key features of the ispmanager panel

Web server support and management. You can install and configure web servers such as Apache, Nginx, and OpenLite Speed from the panel. There is no problem with further administration.

Mail domains creation and mailbox management. You can use the panel to create a mail domain and mailbox, adjust rules and restrictions, use anti-spam and anti-virus protection, and connect Roundcube web interface. It is possible to get a configuration file for mail clients.

Database support and management. MySQL/MariaDB, PostgreSQL, Percona Server.

Website creation and management. The ispmanager panel includes tools for simple work with websites at all stages: from installing CMS to adding content.

Website management
Website management

File management. The graphical file manager supports downloading large data volumes without connection loss. It also supports popular FTP servers.

File manager
File manager

Programming languages support. It is possible to add Python and Perl straight from the panel, without further configuring the repositories. You can choose the PHP interpreter version and mode for a separate site. It supports Node.js handler and PHP Composer.

Server and site protection. It includes tools for server backup, mail protection, firewall, response to DDoS attacks, and high-quality anti-virus Dr.Web to keep your system protected.

Dark and light theme. Ispmanager follows all modern design trends and takes care of user experience. Dark theme is a smart solution, which makes it more convenient to work in a dark place.

Which ispmanager version will be the one to choose?

Today, four versions (licenses) of the ispmanager panel exist. There are three versions — lite, pro, and host — which are mostly used for deploying and administering sites on VPS or dedicated servers. Licenses vary in the number of domains that you can manage. However, if you are an internet hosting provider and would like to offer a panel to your customers, the business version is the right option for you. Let's look more closely at the features and differences.

Ispmanager lite is ideal for freelancers and web studios that have a small number of projects — no more than 10 domains. However, a lot of team members can work with the panel: the total number of user accounts is unlimited. The version provides all the necessary tools for a developer: it allows you to configure web servers, make websites, and add extra modules.

Ispmanager pro has the same features as the lite version but also supports a maximum of 50 domains, so it is sufficient for a larger number of projects. Additionally, it has a complete module to work with Docker technology.

Ispmanager host has the same functionality as the pro version, but without limiting the number of domains, which means that it is suitable for large web studios.

Ispmanager business

Ispmanager business significantly differs from other versions and is designed for service providers. The business version supports shared hosting:

  • manages a cluster of servers;
  • allows setting up reselling;
  • allows limiting RAM, and CPU for users, to ensure that "neighbors" in hosting do not disturb each other.

We've put together the main differences between the versions in a useful table to help you choose the best version for your needs.

Lite Pro Host Business

For web developers and site administrators. Can be purchased from a provider or installed directly on VPS, dedicated servers

For providers and resellers

Up to 10 domains

Up to 50 domains

Unlimited number of domains

Unlimited number of domains

For one or more projects

For the average number of projects

To support a large number of websites

To start a business with ispmanager

The version of ispmanager to choose depends on your needs and the number of projects you are going to manage. If you want to build and manage websites, the lite, pro, or host licenses are sufficient. If you prefer to run your own hosting and reselling service, choose business. If you order our servers, either VPS or dedicated, then you can pick any version of ispmanager that meets your specific needs.

This guide will cover the main features and capabilities of ispmanager — the control panel for websites and web-server. We'll also talk about the interface, the differences between versions of the panel, and the support that ispmanager users can receive. You can choose this control panel when you order a virtual server with an operating system based on Linux distributions.

Learning the interface

If you don't want to work with the server via the console, you can use the ispmanager GUI. It's clear and user-friendly, and the settings required for the smooth operation of the web server are all set in advance and can be easily configured in the panel. The left side of the interface is the main menu, from which you can go to the desired settings: create a site, write to the DNS server, and manage the file manager. You can select the language of the panel — English and Italian languages available. Here you can also manage users: create an account for each and individually set the access permissions.

ispmanager dashboard
Ispmanager dashboard with main information about the system and server, performed tasks, visits, and much more

The core functionality of the ispmanager panel

Ispmanager is a commercial web server panel. It helps to create and manage websites, e-mail accounts, and databases. We will take a detailed look at the panel's features.

Website creation. With ispmanager panel, you are able to connect a domain, configure PHP and Node.js, install an SSL certificate and CMS, or create a site using the website builder.

website creation
Advanced settings for website creation

Work with PHP. The ispmanager panel significantly simplifies working with PHP: it supports different modes and alternate versions for each host, extensions, and the Composer package manager.

Node.js. The ispmanager panel supports Node.js: you can set up different versions and divide applications between users.

DNS server. The panel includes its own DNS server, and the ability to connect external ones as well. For phishing protection, there is support for DNSSEC, an extension that generates a unique digital signature for NS records.

Email domains. The ispmanager panel provides support for managing a mail server on its own domain. Includes transition to the Roundcube mail client and a large selection of tools to protect against spam and viruses: blacklists, email header analysis, behavior-based blocking, and much more.

Databases. You can create database servers directly from ispmanager. It supports MySQL, MariaDB, PerconaServer, PostgreSQL. It is possible to install a dedicated version of DB for any site and manage user access to the database.

SSL certificates. A great benefit of ispmanager is that it supports free SSL certificates from Let's Encrypt. They are automatically installed and extended. However, you can add any commercial certificates to your site if you need advanced protection.

File manager and FTP. The panel includes its own file manager with a code editor, and you can also manage FTP access: add users and grant access rights.

File manager
File manager in ispmanager

Backups. The panel backs up user data. It supports saving backups directly on the server and to external storages, even cloud storages.

Modules in ispmanager

Besides the basic tools, a lot of which are included in ispmanager, there is an opportunity to add extra modules that improve functionality. There are both free and paid modules. Here's a look at several of them.

Dr.Web is a commercial antivirus module for websites. It detects and eliminates threats and scans the system.

DDoS-guard is a commercial DDoS protection module. It works on the principle of a reverse proxy server: it allows all traffic to pass through the network of servers and filters malicious traffic. Apart from the attack prevention itself, the module can act as a CDN (content delivery network), thus speeding up the download of images, videos, and other media content.

Softaculous is a tool for deploying web applications. The module is free, but there are some paid scripts. The library contains more than 400 scripts and CMS. With Softaculous you can not only install them, but also update them automatically, and this is very important for the security and performance of the site.

Site.Pro is a module in ispmanager that is widely used to create a website using the website builder easily. In ispmanager is presented a free version, and it is already possible to make a beautiful informational site based on one of the dozens of templates.

Modules in ispmanager
Modules in ispmanager

The differences between versions of ispmanager

The ispmanager panel is available in various versions (licenses): lite, pro, host, and business. Let's take a closer look at the features and differences.

Ispmanager business is intended for shared hosting. The primary difference from other versions is the possibility to manage a cluster of servers. This version often suits web-hosting providers or companies that manage a lot of web projects.

Lite, pro, and host are the most popular versions of ispmanager. Any of them can be deployed on a single VDS/VPS or dedicated server. The ispmanager lite, pro, and host versions differ in the number of sites you can create in the panel.

We've put together the differences between the versions in a helpful table to help you decide which version is best for you.

Lite Pro Host Business

For web developers and site administrators. Can be purchased from a provider or installed directly on VPS, dedicated servers

For providers and resellers

Up to 10 domains

Up to 50 domains

Unlimited number of domains

Unlimited number of domains

For one or more projects

For the average number of projects

To support a large number of websites

To start a business with ispmanager

You can also find out more about the differences in the versions in our article: "How to pick the most suitable version of the ispmanager panel for your purposes".

About the developer, updates, and documentation of ispmanager

Ispmanager is one of the most popular panels with an eighteen-year history.

The first release, ispmanager 4, was published in 2005. The current version — ispmanager 6 — has been released in 2021.

Updates for ispmanager are available every two weeks. New features first appear in the beta branch, then, after further testing, in the stable. The software has an open roadmap, so you can see which new features are scheduled to be released and vote for them.

Ispmanager has complete documentation in English. There are also unofficial user manuals available on the Internet.

How to get ispmanager on a VDS/VPS

You can order Linux servers (VPS or dedicated) and select any version of ispmanager for your specific needs straight in the server order form.

Portmapper (portmap, rpcbind) is an Open Network Computing Remote Procedure Call service. It dynamically converts Remote Procedure Call service numbers (such as NIS or NFS) into TCP/UDP port numbers.

The service sends RPC broadcast messages on port 111. This specific feature of portmapper could be used to perform a DDoS attack. The UDP protocol allows IP spoofing. Thus, attackers can send small requests to portmapper using the victim's IP address. As a result the server will send all the replies to the victim's address in a much larger volume when receiving such requests. Such amount of traffic from the service heavily loads the infrastructure resources - servers and network equipment, which in turn may lead to inability or delays in processing requests from normal users, which is the purpose of a DDoS attack.

How to check portmapper activity

To check whether you have portmapper running on a VPS or a dedicated server, use the utility rpcinfo, which runs an RPC query and displays the registered RPC services. You can check both local and remote hosts.

To check the local host, run the rpcinfo command:

To check a remote host, specify its address, for example after the -p key. Applying the -s key will show the output in shortened form. Example output of rpcinfo command with -p and -s keys:

The options of the rpcinfo utility can be found in the man help, which can be called with the command man rpcinfo (also man rpcbind).

Additionally, a local host check can be performed with the ss utility (netstat). The use and description of the keys for this utility can also be found in the man help. Here is an example (the command header is added separately for clarity):

How to disable portmapper

To disable and remove portmapper (rpcbind) from boot in distributions that use systemd, such as Debian, RHEL, Ubuntu, CentOS, Fedora, Gentoo, etc., run the command systemctl stop rpcbind.service:

Next, stop the socket with the systemctl command stop rpcbind.socket.

Use the commands systemctl disable rpcbind.service and systemctl disable rpcbind.socket to remove it from the autorun.

If you are using script-based boot scripts in /etc/init.d, you can stop the service with the /etc/init.d/rpcbind stop command.

You can remove it from the autostart in Debian-based distributions by using the update-rc.d -f rpcbind remove command.

In RedHat distributions, you can remove it using the command chkconfig rpcbind off.

After you disable the portmapper service and run the rpcinfo command, you will see an error message:

How to restrict the connection to portmapper

If you still need the portmapper service, you can restrict access to it by, for example, allowing only certain IP addresses to connect. This can be done by using a network filter by restricting access to port 111.

Examples of commands to restrict UDP for IPv4:

Attention! These guidelines will help you to install VPN client software on your iOS or Android smartphone. The server side of the software is pre-installed on a virtual private server. You can read more about installing a VPN on servers in our guidelines:

VPN is a virtual private network. This technology is a closed and secure logical network in addition to an insecure network (the Internet). You can read more about VPN services and how to use them in our blog (“VPN technology for business: pros and cons”).

How to install and connect OpenVPN on Android

Step 1.

Install an SCP-enabled SFTP client on your smartphone from the App Store: andftp, mobilesftp, or similar apps.

Step 2.

Set up a connection to the server where the OpenVPN server-side is installed using the SCP protocol (port 22). For this purpose, enter the server IP address, your username, and password.

Step 3. Download the client.ovpn file to your smartphone.

Step 4. Install the OpenVPN Connect app from the App Store on the smartphone.

Launch OpenVPN Connect and select OVPN Profile.

Then, specify the path to the client.ovpn file and establish a connection to the VPN server.

Make sure the connection is established correctly.

To do this, check your IP address on websites such as or It must match the address of your server. When you disconnect from the VPN server, the address should change to the one assigned to you by your Internet service provider.

How to install and connect OpenVPN on iPhone

The procedure for installing a VPN client on your iOS smartphone is almost identical to Android. We will break it down step by step.

Step 1.

Download the VPN client configuration file created by the script to your device. In this regard, for example, save it first on your computer, copy it to iCloud, and then send it to your iPhone.

Step 2.

Install OpenVPN Connect and open it.

Step 3. Select OVPN Profile and specify the path to the client.ovpn file.

Step 4. Establish a connection to your VPN server.

Step 5. Make sure the connection is established correctly.

To do this, check your IP address on websites such as or It must match the address of your server. When you disconnect from the VPN server, the address should change to the one assigned to you by your internet service provider.

Attention! These guidelines will help you to install VPN client software on your iOS or Android smartphone. The server side of the software is pre-installed on a virtual private server. You can read more about installing a VPN on servers in our guidelines:

  • How to create VPN on a VPS with Ubuntu
  • How to create VPN on a VPS with CentOS

VPN is a virtual private network. This technology is a closed and secure logical network in addition to an insecure network (the Internet). You can read more about VPN services and how to use them in our blog (“VPN technology for business: pros and cons”).

How to install and connect OpenVPN on Android

Step 1.

Install an SCP-enabled SFTP client on your smartphone from the App Store: andftp, mobilesftp, or similar apps.

Step 2.

Set up a connection to the server where the OpenVPN server-side is installed using the SCP protocol (port 22). For this purpose, enter the server IP address, your username, and password.

Step 3. Download the client.ovpn file to your smartphone.

Step 4. Install the OpenVPN Connect app from the App Store on the smartphone.

Launch OpenVPN Connect and select OVPN Profile.

Then, specify the path to the client.ovpn file and establish a connection to the VPN server.

Make sure the connection is established correctly.

To do this, check your IP address on websites such as or It must match the address of your server. When you disconnect from the VPN server, the address should change to the one assigned to you by your Internet service provider.

How to install and connect OpenVPN on iPhone

The procedure for installing a VPN client on your iOS smartphone is almost identical to Android. We will break it down step by step.

Step 1.

Download the VPN client configuration file created by the script to your device. In this regard, for example, save it first on your computer, copy it to iCloud, and then send it to your iPhone.

Step 2.

Install OpenVPN Connect and open it.

Step 3. Select OVPN Profile and specify the path to the client.ovpn file.

Step 4. Establish a connection to your VPN server.

Step 5. Make sure the connection is established correctly.

To do this, check your IP address on websites such as or It must match the address of your server. When you disconnect from the VPN server, the address should change to the one assigned to you by your internet service provider.

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